155 5517 3302 李老师
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合肥第一家教:http://www.hfno1.cn/ 编辑:合肥家教 更新日期:3/4/2011

    1. Think clearly before you write. Only when you can think clearly can you write an article with clear logic and reasoning.

    2. Narrow down your topic to the one that you can handle within your capabilities and required word limit.

    3. Write in the voice of an adult.

    4. Use a clear structure and develop the paragraph by your argumentation methods.

    5. Use details and facts.

    6. Avoid using the same word to begin each sentence. Though repeated beginning sometimes can create a parallelstructure and certain atmosphere, it may also have the risk of dulling/boring readers. For beginners of English writing, this tip is especially useful and helpful.

    7. Use different sentence structures (compound sentences, complex sentences, special structures likeinversion).

    8. Make good use of transitional words.

    9. In selection of words, use the more precise or accurate one.

    10. Make a natural ending. The concluding sentence is not a must. Let the paragraph end smoothly and naturally.


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