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T146 号教员基本信息
教员编号: T146 教员姓名: rosemarry
教员性别: 登录时间: 1/12/2010 12:19:36 PM
所在学校: 安徽工程科技学院 目前学历: 硕士在读
联系电话: 155 5517 3302 李老师 联系手机: 155 5517 3302 李老师
目前身份: 在校学生 教授方式: 协商
所学专业: 英语语言文学 通信地址: 安徽
教授区域: 不限教学区域
任教科目: 英语
应届硕士求职简历 胡 亚 文 一,个人概况 姓名:胡亚文 出生年月:1976/12/26 性别:女 民族:汉 户口:安徽省合肥市 婚姻状况:未婚 二,教育背景 (一) 学历情况: 1989.9-1992.7 学校:宣城市旌德二中 学历:初中 1992.9-1995.7 学校:黄山市歙县一中 学历:高中 1995.9-1997.7 学校:安徽工程科技学院 专业:科技英语 学历: 大专 2002.9-2005.7 学校:安徽大学 专业:英语(二外法语) 学历:本科 学位:学士 2007.9-2010.7 学校:安徽大学 专业:英语语言文学(二外法语) 学历:研究生 学位:硕士 (二) 所持证书 ★初、高中英语教师资格证; ★本科毕业证及学士学位证 ★国家英语语种导游翻译资格证; ★大学英语四、六级证书; ★大学法语四级证书; ★高级口译资格证(已以高分顺利通过第一阶段笔试考试,相信会以更优异的成绩顺利通过第二阶段口译的考试) 三,个人特长 ◆ 英语口语:纯正,流利;发音标准,清晰,悦耳,无中国式英语口音。 ◆ 英语教学:寓教于乐,启发引导式教学方式,深厚扎实的专业知识以及认真负责的教学态度不仅极大激发了学生英语学习兴趣,也迅速有效地提高了学生的英语学习成绩,深受广大学生和家长的喜爱。 所教学生很多在班级、学校及省、市、全国一些大型英语竞赛中(例如全国希望英语竞赛)取得了优异成绩。 ◆ 翻译(尤其口译):曾受邀于黄山市政府外事办以及各大中型企业担任各种大型国际文化活动及重要外事,商务活动的口译和笔译工作,并获得一致好评。 四,教育情况 在大学一年级下学期和二年级上学期分别以高分通过大学英语四六级,由于是专升本,一直没有机会报考英语八级, (绝对属实),此项考试也不在研究生阶段举行,否则我自信一定可以以优异成绩顺利通过八级考试。但我以优异成绩通过了英语专业研究生入学考试和高级口译岗位资格考试,这些都是难度高于8级的考试。大学毕业后一直从事英语类工作,具有优秀的听,说,读,写,译的综合能力,尤其是口头和书面的英文表达能力。 五,工作经历 (一) 1998年毕业至2007年读研前主要从事三种职业: 1,英语教师(2001年至2006年):黄山市屯溪卓越文化培训学校(主讲教师),以中小学生及成人的英语培训为主,本人主教新概念英语、成人导游英语,初,高中英语等,积累了丰富的教学经验。 2,英文翻译接待(1998年至2004年):就职于黄山市中国国际旅行社欧美部,从事翻译及接待欧美各国外宾的任务,积累了丰富的英语语言能力,尤其是口语。 3,外事接待(2004年至2006年):经常受邀于黄山市政府担任各种大型外事活动的翻译接待任务. 如:◆ 2006年5月受邀黄山市政府外事办为来黄山观光的前联合国秘书长安南及夫人担任全程陪同翻译 ◆ 2005年5月世界小姐选美大赛,为世界选美组织前期在黄山市的考察及导演,冠军提供全程陪同翻译 ◆ 2004年10月,在黄山市召开的第六届中国国际民间艺术节中,担任被邀请的欧、非等国驻华大使的英文翻译及陪同,并在10月7日晚召开的告别酒会中担任市领导致辞翻译及英文主持。 ◆ 2005年4月,为各国驻中国大使馆的武官及夫人来黄山的观光考察担任全程陪同翻译 ◆ 2004年为黄山景区云谷缆车广播英文录音 ◆ 2005年1月,国际文化组织(SRI CHINMOY)在黄山市召开的大型文化活动中担任首席翻译。 ◆ 2004年4月为安徽省重点中学屯溪一中的外事活动担任外宾接待翻译。 (二)读研期间实习经历 第二学期:担任合肥市西苑中学口语教师 第二学年:担任合肥市三联学院大学英语教师,所教学生大部分都通过大学英语四级考试 第二学年末: 担任2009年高考阅卷教师;担任安徽大学专升本口试及口译的执考老师 第三学年:任职合肥市大成通信公司翻译及安徽对外经济职业技术学院英语教师 六,论文发表 1,于2009年一月在省级综合性期刊《才智》上发表论文“从基督教文化传统解读《李尔王》中主人公考狄利娅的‘死亡’命运”。 2, 第二篇论文正在准备中,很快会发表。 给我一次机会,我必将还您以夺目的光彩! A Graduating Master’s Resume Ⅰ Basic Information Name: Yawen Hu Date of Birth: 12/26/1976 Gender: female Nationality: Han Native Place: Huangshan City, Anhui Marital Status: unmarried Contact:13739226795 jasmineyw@sina.com/ Ⅱ Education Background 1, Education History 1) School Time: 2007-2010 School: Anhui University Major: English Literature Education Qualification: graduate Academic Degree: Master of Arts 2) School Time: 2002-2005 School: Anhui University Major: English Education Qualification: undergraduate Academic Degree: bachelor 3) School Time: 1995-1997 School: Anhui Institute of Mechanics and Engineering Education Qualification: associate Major:Science English 2,Credentials Available ★ Senior and Junior High School Teacher’s Certificates; ★ National Certificate of English Tour Guide; ★ Certificate of College English Test Band 4 and 6; ★ Certificate of College French Test Band 4; ★ A Credential of Advanced Interpreter(already passed with excellent marks the first part of the examination, I’m confident that I’ll pass the second with even better performance) ★Undergraduate diploma and undergraduate degree’s diploma Ⅲ Strong Points 1, My oral English : is standard, fluent and easy to understand, my pronunciation is clear, correct and pleasant-sounding, and without Chinese accent. 2, English teaching: My entertaining,lively and inspiring way of teaching, profound and solid professional knowledge as well as conscientious and responsible teaching attitude not only greatly inspired my students’ interest in learning English but also rapidly and effectively improved their marks in English examinations, which received considerable acclaim from both students and parents. Many of my students kept excellent performance in class, school and many large-scale competitions such as the nationwide Outlook English Contest. 3, Translation (interpretation in particular) I used to be invited by the foreign affairs department of Huangshan municipal government as well as many large and medium sized enterprises to take the job of translation and interpretation for many large-scale international cultural activities and important business activities and won a wide and favorable recognition. Ⅳ Education Description I passed CET-4 and CET-6 with high marks in the second and third term of my college years respectively. Since I was upgraded from junior college student to university student, I have never had the opportunity to take part in TEM-8,(it’s absolutely true) this test is not held at graduate level either, or I’m sure I would successfully pass it with excellent performance. However, I have passed with high marks the entrance exams for graduate study and the Senior Interpreter Qualification Exams, both exams are more difficult to pass than TEM-8. I have been using English as working language for many years and have developed excellent, comprehensive English language abilities including speaking, writing, reading, listening and translating, the ability of oral and written expression in particular. Ⅴ Work Experience 1,Between 1998 and 2007: mainly engaged in three fields of career 1)English teacher (2001-2006): Worked part time (chief teacher)at Huangshan Super Cultural Training School which focuses on English training for middle and high school students. The major subjects I taught were New Concept English ,Tourist English , middle and high school English. 2)English tour guide/ interpreter (1998-2004): Worked at the American and European department of Huangshan China International Tourist Agency serving as an interpreter and tour guide for American and European visitors and have developed excellent English language ability, especially oral English. 3)Reception for Foreign Affairs (2004-2006):often invited by Huangshan Municipal Government to serve as interpreter and receptionist for large-scale international cultural activities, for instance: ◆In May 2006, worked as interpreter and tour guide for the former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and his wife. ◆In May 2005 when the Miss World beauty contest was held in Huangshan city, served as interpreter for the pre-inspection team and the director as well as the champion. ◆In October 2004 when the 6th China International Folk Arts Festival was held in Huangshan city, China, worked as interpreter for the ambassadors invited and as hostess at the farewell buffet party and interpreted for the government leaders’ farewell speech. ◆ In April 2005,worked as tour guide and interpreter for military attaches of various countries’ embassies in China. ◆In 2004, made English sound recording for Yungu cable car of the famous Yellow Mountain. ◆In January 2005, served as chief interpreter for the large-scale cultural activity held in Huangshan city by an International cultural organization. ◆In April 2004, worked as interpreter and receptionist in the foreign affairs of Tunxi No. 1 High School—the key secondary school of Anhui Province. 2,Internship experience during graduate study(2007-2010) For the second term: worked as an oral English teacher at Hefei Xiyuan Middle School For the second school year: worked as English teacher at Hefei Sanlian Institute By the end of the 2nd school year: took part in marking the papers of college entrance examination; worked as examiner for the oral English and oral interpretation tests on the upgrading from junior college student to university student of Anhui University For the third school year: worked as interpreter for the Hefei Dacheng Communication company and English teacher for Anhui external economical vocational-economical institute. Ⅵ Thesis Published 1, In January 2009, published in wisdom, a provincial comprehensive journal a thesis entitled “Decode the Death Destiny of Cordelia in King Lear” 2, The second thesis is in preparation, will be published soon. Give me a chance, I will surely return you with dazzling splendor!
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